Upcoming Dinner Meetings

  • Thursday 24 January
    Invocation: Lion Jim Pearson
    Toast: Lion Jenny Rimmer

  • Thursday 14 February - also Board Meeting
    Invocation: Lion Steve Trewin
    Toast: Lion Brian Ralston

  • Thursday 28 February
    Invocation: Lion Roger Quilliam
    Toast: Lion Robert Smith

Don't forget
  • Taste the Harvest on Sunday 9th of March
  • Charity Golf Day Sunday 17th February at Ulverstone Golf Club. Contact Lion Neil Rawson on 6425 1395

Spreyton Races

The Lions Club Caravan might need a coat of TLC?

Robert, Walter, Wendy and John manned the gates at the races today. Good turn out because of the Sheffield Cup
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February 24 Meeting

The meeting will be held on Thursday February 24 at the Gateway Hotel at 630pm.
Walter, also our guest-speaker, has send his apologies as he is sick at home not wanting to infect others.

Taste The Harvest Committee Meeting

The Taste the Harvest Committee Meeting was held at the Devonport Public Library. If the library is closed use the back entrance to access the meeting room.

Walter van Praag

How public is this blog-site?

This is a blog-site. It is a web site that people can simply email messages to without needing web-editing or computer experience. If you can email you can post to this website.

Because this is not a public website it is not important exactly how it looks, only that it works for us. If the club has trouble using it we can finetune it, or if some of us have trouble reading it we can change fonts sizes or colours. We can add photos, logos or images if we want, but there should not need to be any serious discussion or special committees formed.

This website is not password protected, it is not hidden, but measures have been taken to ensure it does not get listed by search engines and we should not get incidental visitors.

It is not recommended to post information here that could be construed as confidential or sensitive. Try and keep it simple to advise members of meetings, appointments, social or public events and the likes.

I hope this will serve as a friendly introduction to the Internet for some of you!


Thank you for your interest!

Thank you for completing the form.

We will get back to you as soon as we can! If you have not heard from us in 48 hours please call me on 0417 067460.

Thank you!

Membership Chair 2009/10