

Bill Wilson, Lion President Jenny Rimmer (City of Devonport Lions) & Margaret Fay

Lion Ree Loane, Bill Wilson, Lion President Jenny Rimmer & Lion Grant Goodwin

Bill Wilson, Lion President Jenny Rimmer, Mayor of Devonport Lyn Laycock & Lion Grant Goodwin

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Making the Paper

2010 President Jenny made it in the Advocate today!

President Jenny

Congrats for making history Jenny!
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Changeover Dinner '10

Our 51st Changeover Dinner! This was a historic occasion for two reasons:
a) The incoming and outgoing President kissed each other.
b) President Jenny Rimmer is the first female president of our club!

More on the evening later!

City of Devonport Lions got Bowls

Last night (10/6/10) we had our last meeting with the current committee! On the 19th of June we will have our 51st Change-Over Dinner at the Gateway Hotel and the new committee will take the reigns.

Coming up next August is the anual Sheffield Old Time Music Hall night. We are trying to organise tickets for the 20th or the 27th of August (both Fridays). The Kentish Lions Club proudly hosts this most entertaining event and it is their main fund raiser of the year. RSVP at the changeover night if you like to come.

Lion Barry is encouraging us to come along for a social night of 10-pin bowling in William Street, Devonport. This sounds like a death defying night of horror, but it looks like we'll have 20 members come along to the local alley.Currently in planning for 31st of July, after dinner, 7:00 - 9:30 pm.