Tasmanian Lions Foundation Fellows

Wayne Hobson was recognised as a Tasmanian Lions Foundation Fellow for his many many years of supporting the Taste the Harvest event for our club. Wayne is in fact a Lion at Large for our club already, and has every intention to return to active status soon. In recognition of his services Wayne was also given a night's accommodation at the Lemonthyme Lodge.

Ashly Jones, Lion Emma's partner, was present at the meeting representing Formby Removals to also receive a Tasmanian Lions Foundation Fellow on for their great support over the years.

Also at the meeting...
  • The MS Swimathon appears to have been cancelled due to 'unforeseen circumstances'. Maybe we will find out why later.
  • The June 9 meeting has been rescheduled to coincide with the Mersey Lions Club on June 16. There will be a guest speaker from Census, and it will be open to partners. More information closer to the date.
  • Lions Fudge now available with the mints for distribution to our 'mint' outlets! Lion Ree is now the New Accounts manager for Lions Mints and the deliveries are handed over to Lion Gary Potter and a few others.
  • We are sponsoring a new child with Autism Spectrum Disorder at Giant Steps, as our previous sponsored child has grown into an adult! 'Ryan' is our new recipient.  
  • Our beautiful Lions Caravan needs refurbishment from the inside now, which Lion Kevin expects will cost the club $6-$8K to do properly. Lion Sam may come up with an interim solution for under $1K, but the committee will worry about this for us. If there are any Samaritans reading this.... contact us!
  • Magic Show has been booked and confirmed for 6 December! It is one of our main fund raisers and a really cool show! We will be back at the Devonport Convention Centre.
  • The Biggest Morning Tea was held at President Lion Jenny's house. It was well attended and raised about $500 for cancer! 
  • Our change-over dinner is scheduled at the Gateway Hotel on June 25th, it will of course be a partner's night! We are also invited to the Penguin Change-over night, on Saturday 23 July at a cost of $30 each. Tell Lion Bill Slater if you wish to attend.
  • Lion Sam attended the Christmas Carols by Candlelight meeting, which was attended by the Soroptomists (who started the event 40+ years ago!) and had  Tracey from the DCC. Tracey advised the meeting that the Council was keen to get involved with the event but they want to eventually move the venue to Roundhouse Park or another venue. Us Lions are strongly opposed to this as we believe the Sound-shell is a fantastic and totally underutilized venue. Last year's Carols resulted in a net loss due to change of venue to Meercroft Park due to SurfClub renovations apparently posing a danger!
  • The SoundShell is a sensitive issue, more on that later!

Biggest Morning Tea had a typical NW Tasmanian flavour...

65 Roses Day

Lions were out in force today collecting money for 65 Roses Day - Cystic Fibrosis. Seen in the Rooke Street Mall, at the Woolworth's complex and even at the Devonport Post Office! Hundreds of dollars was collected for CF Tasmania, and Lion Walter was even spotted on a Cystic Fibrosis TV commercial.

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The EMIB - Emergeny Medical Information Book -  has been adopted by many Lions Clubs throughout Australia. The book is contained in a plastic sleeve which has three magnets on the back to ensure it adheres to the front of a fridge. The owners name is written clearly on the front cover and includes all information in relation to medical conditions, medication details and medical history. The Book also contains details regarding your name, address, pension, medicare and other important numbers, together with all emergency contact phone numbers.

At $2 each all Lions Members ought to have at least one on our fridge! We can order them with this [order form].

Devonport Sound Shell

The Devonport Sound Shell was an Australian Bicentennial Project which was initiated and carried out by the City of Devonport Lions Club with financial assistance from the Tasmanian government. Its location was  insisted on by the Council despite the Lions Club's suggestions of preferred locations. The Sound Shell has been an iconic structure of Devonport, enjoyed by thousands every year and used for bands and  other events such as the annual Carols by Candlelight.

Mainland 'consultants' recently deemed the Sound Shell inappropriate due to the proximity to the Tiagarra Aboriginal Culture Centre and Museum. This was done 'sight unseen', and the Devonport City Council now wants it to go...  The council also considers it a 'risk assessment'. The general consensus of our Lions Club currently appears that we want to see it remain in place and want to see it become more utilised.

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Zone Chairman visits City of Devonport

Zone Chairman Michael Walsh and Lion PDG John Hughes

Michael Walsh, our Zone Chairman, has 7 clubs under his wing. He came to speak at our meeting this month. Michael reminded us of how tumultuous the start of the year was with floods, droughts, earthquakes and then Japan, and how the Lions provided support everywhere, including the $11M donation from LCIF. Our district alone donated $144K to the Queensland Flood Appeal, which was doubled dollar for dollar by the government, and $64K towards the Victorian Flood Relief.

Michael congratulated Lion George Russell in particular for helping organise 2 teams for the MS Swimathon, but he was a little surprised that only  4 Lions from our club attended the National Convention in Launceston; Had it been in Sydney or Melbourne we would have scrambled for tickets.

The New Officer Training in Latrobe was a success he felt, and this was confirmed by our incoming President Robert Smith. Michael said the Lions President is a weird animal, and we all learn from experience. Stumbling in the new position is always difficult for anyone, but by the time the year is up most people mould into position - President Jenny wholeheartedly agreed!

Zone Chairman Michael also reported that the Devil Island Colonies are going well to which we all donated through the Hadspen Lions Club calendar project. And then there is the Lions Youth Exchange project... We still need homes for foreign students for 7-10 days in August 2011.

Michael thanked us for having him, and reminded us that LIONS could stand for Loving Individuals Offering Needy Services -  an acronym that has finally grown on him!

Cystic Fibrosis Inaugural Fundraising Dinner

In June 2010, kayak enthusiast and medical researcher, Dr Leon Wescombe, was involved in a tragic accident in the Consumnes River, California that claimed his life. Dr Wescombe dedicated his short professional life into researching a cure for cystic fibrosis, making a significant breakthrough into this illness.
The Dr Leon Wescombe Memorial Trust extends an invitation to you to join them at the inaugural fundraising dinner which consists of a 3-course dinner with entertain-ment inclusive of an auction and raffle but, in the free-spirited character of Dr Wescombe, also include dancing, comedy, singing, jazz and a big band.

Saturday, 4th June, 6.00 pm till late at the Australian Axemans Hall of Fame - Bells Parade Latrobe
Tickets: $60 pp Available from Shadforths Devonport, Launceston and Hobart or venue until 27 May
No door sales!

Tax deductible donations to the Dr Leon Wescombe Memorial Fund can be made online [here], or phone  the Dr Leon Wescombe Memorial Trust on 03 6424 7930 or 0428 140 894.

April-May Birthdays!

Happy Birthday to:
Lion Grant Goodwin
Lion John Hughes
Lion Chris Tierney
Lion Kevin Wills
Many Happy Returns!
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