Latrobe Lions

Monday August 4 saw delegates of our Club visit our counterparts in neighbouring Latrobe. I was impressed with Apollo Birch's presidency and most competent conducting of the meeting. Visiting our peers is inspiring and motivating, realising we are not alone in our quest to serve what we think of as our community. We all do our part and by being in the same district we have to strife for similar directions, hence it is important to attend each other's meetings once in a while. To enforce this view and to remind us of the power of our alliance we had Tony Roney, District Governor, speak to us. Amongst other very inspiring topics he mentioned how our District 201 was highly respected, and the talk of the town in Bangkok, for having 100% participation in the Campaign Sight First II. I won't divulge any more of his speech as he is speaking at our club meeting on August 14! Be there!

There was also a reminder to REGISTER for the District Convention to be held in Port Sorell , November 7 to 9. Entertainment is rumoured to be memorable!

Lion Walter

PS. There is great interest in this website and discussions took place to make similar 'blogs' for other clubs. I am of course very willing to help establish them, especially in our District. And one more reminder that all it takes to post an item here is to email it to NEWS at DEVONPORTLIONS dot INFO, and if you have a photo you can attach it! And to email each other just email to FIRSTNAME at DEVONPORTLIONS dot INFO. Too easy!

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