Also happening...

The Taste of the Harvest has begun! Tonight the official Taste Dinner is hosted at the Gateway Hotel, tomorrow all City of Devonport Lions will be helping with set up and Sunday 13 March is the big event.

Sunday 20 March we are preparing lunch for the people in Orana, Saturday 19 March the Latrobe Lions are hosting their 40th year at the Cherry Shed, where close to a dozen of us will attend the celebrations.

The Tasmanian Youth Conference (TYC) will be held 18 and 19 May 2011 at the Inveresk Tramsheds, Launceston. For the first time in 2011 TYC is open to both workers in the wider youth sector, as well as any young Tasmanians aged between 12-25 years.

From 15th April to 18th April 2011 the “Have a Devil of a Time in Tassie” MD201 district National Lions Convention will be held in Launceston. Registrations are to be held on Thursday the 14th April from 1.00pm to 5.00pm at The Grand Chancellor, Cameron Street in the city. 

The Lions have helped people in the Christchurch earthquake affected regions with items ranging from 500 portable toilets, numerous watertanks, cooked dinners and much more.

As the Gateway Hotel is undergoing renovations we will be meeting at the RSL Club in Devonport for a few months, starting Thursday March 24.

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